Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's that time of year again...

40 Days of Life is back in Champaign peacefully keeping 24hr vigil on the Planned Parenthood in the community. Here is a link to the 40 days for life web page for Champagin. They spend the 40 days, today September 23rd through November 1st, protesting the work of our Planned Parenthood in this comunity. Here is their statement of peace that every member must sign before participating in this event.

  1. I will only pursue peaceful solutions to the violence of abortion when volunteering with the 40 Days for Life campaign
  2. I will show compassion and reflect Christ’s love to all Planned Parenthood employees, volunteers, and customers
  3. I understand that acting in a violent or harmful manner immediately and completely disassociates me from the 40 Days for Life campaign
  4. I am in no way associated with Planned Parenthood or its affiliates by way of employment, informant, volunteer, client, or otherwise
While standing in the city right of way in front of or near Planned Parenthood:
  1. I will not obstruct the driveways or sidewalk while standing in the public right of way
  2. I will not litter on the public right of way
  3. I will closely attend to any children I bring to the prayer vigil
  4. I will not threaten, physically contact, or verbally abuse Planned Parenthood employees, volunteers, or customers
  5. I will not vandalize private property
  6. I will cooperate with local city authorities

I'm happy that they're peaceful. That's all fine and dandy, but what about twisting the facts? There is a 40 minute video on the homepage of the link I posted on here, and it makes me upset. I've listened to it all and heard how things are changed ever so slightly.

They call Planned Parenthood an abortion chain. They don't talk about the maternity care, the family planning, the sexual health care that is provided by Planned Parenthood to women who sometimes can't afford it at sliding scale prices. 40 days state that 1.2 million abortions happen each year, and that in 2007, 289,750 happened in Planned Parenthood's across the country. 24% of the abortions happened at Planned Parenthood. I understand that this is a large number, but it's not close to the majority. Are you protesting at the wrong place? Maybe the statics of 1.2 million abortions a year is a bit off? They say that 50 million abortions have happened since Roe v. Wade was passed. Could we have supported 50 million more people in this country?

In this video, pregnant women are equated to women with young children that have fallen off of a boat and into a turbulent ocean, that are struggling to survive. Young women are faced with this horrible tragedy, they get pregnant, and that her family will immediately tell her that she must get an abortion and that her boyfriend has abandoned her, leaving her alone with this burden, and that it's 40 days of life that must reach out to her and save her.

Perhaps it's having the child during a time when she is unable to support it that the women needs to be saved from. Maybe it is losing her job because she's pregnant, because she can't do physical labor under her condition. Maybe she was raped, and she will forever remember her horrid experience. Maybe she just can't do it. Maybe she has to be saved from pregnancy... Maybe it's her choice.

I know of an unmarried woman who got pregnant, many years ago, and the father wanted nothing to do with the child. She didn't have a steady job, she didn't have any savings, she wasn't prepared to for a child. But she made a choice. She decided to keep the baby and, with her families support, she gave birth to a baby girl.

This is my mom's story, and the baby was me. I wanted to tell this story because I wanted to say that she had a choice. She had a supportive family that cared for her and supported her decisions. She had friends that helped and cared about her. She made the choice that was hers to make. It's not the scenario that 40 days portrays in their video.

Planned Parenthood is there to help women make the right choices that are the ones for them. They are not there to promote abortions, they are their to promote choices. There are procedures put into place so that the mother has time to think about what she wants to do before she makes a decision on abortion. It's not black and white. Planned Parenthood isn't the evil thing they describe on the video.

I'm not against people who are pro-life. That is their choice and I respect the choices they make for themselves. But remember that it is a choice that everyone has to make for themselves, and we must be respectful of the choices others make. There is not a right and a wrong choice, only that there are choices.



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