Thursday, December 9, 2010

Browsing Psychology Today

Hello Everybody!!

I just wanted to share two articles that I was reading about Feminism today. One made me mad, and one made me glad.

The first one is "Why modern feminism is illogical, unnecessary, and evil" and it talked about how feminism isn't really necessary in this day and age, and also kinda stupid. Also evil. Can't forget that one.

The other one in response to the previous was called "Why Anti-Feminism is Illogical, Unnecessary, Evil, and Incredibly Unsexy."

I really enjoyed the second one because it talks about how many people can be feminist without knowing about it. Feminism doesn't mean you don't shave your legs, hate all men, and eat tofu. You don't have to be a hippie and wear clothing made of hemp. You don't even have to be a woman. Men are great feminists too.

I'd avoid reading the comments on the second one. They will make most people upset. My favorite upsetting one was "If feminism was about equality, it would have died when MEN gave women the right to vote." But then again I didn't read to far into the comments. One page of 30 or so comments was enough to make me stop.

Anyway enjoy the articles. It's a great way to not study for finals. Good luck!!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Go Illinois!

The Illinois House passed civil unions in the House! It's now making its way to the Senate.

I would like to personally thank Rep. William Black, R-Danville, who said "I'd rather be right than consistent."

The next step is equal marriage.

Here's hoping!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Washington says pharmacists can refuse legal drugs based on moral beliefs.

The Washington State Board of Pharmacy has passed a vote that will reverse a vote that was passed in 2007. If the previous law is reversed, pharmacists will be able to decide based on moral beliefs whether or not to dispense legal drugs.

This all started with a small town pharmacists that refused to supply Emergency Contraceptive based on moral beliefs.

"They want to be able to have an entire pharmacy say no to women in need of emergency contraception. It doesn't stop there, of course. If they get their way, what would stop a pharmacist from deciding to opt out of providing a gay person with access to HIV medication, if they so chose? Or a diabetic person access to life-saving treatment?"

"What if a pharmacist believes “marriage is one man, one woman, and I have some gay men that come in,” asked Harris, a Redmond druggist. “(What if) I were to say ‘Gee, it’s against my religious background. You’ve brought this on yourself.’ ” The News Tribune


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Two Finger Test

Here's an article I read a few days ago that made me sick and very sad. In India, it is common to do something called the "Two Finger Test" to see if a victim of rape has become "habituated to sex." and therefore not a victim of rape. I can't imagine that something like this would still be happening, and yet I unfortunately have to. We still live in a world where a woman who is sexually active is sometimes looked down upon, and that women shouldn't enjoy sex.

I can't wait for a time when this is changed. It starts with us ladies. We are the ones who need to make a difference!!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's Becoming So Clear

Here is a short article on teen pregnancy rates by region in the United States. Once again, it looks painfully obvious that abstinence-only sex education is increasing teen pregnancy rates. You can't get much more proof than the proof we've been seeing. When is it enough??


Friday, October 15, 2010

When did you choose to be straight?

This is great video of people asking the question of "Are people born homosexual or do people choose to be homosexual?", and then asking "When did you choose to be straight?".

I think this is a fantastic way to look at the question and it should be used in defense of people who believe that homosexuality is a choice that people consciously make at some point in their life. If a person has to choose to be homosexual, then a person has to choose to be heterosexual.

Check out the video here


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't Ask Don't Tell may be gone for good!

DADT was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge yesterday and the government has to do something to reinforce the old laws.

"If the government does not appeal, the injunction cannot be reversed and would remain in effect. If it does appeal, that would put the administration in the position of continuing to defend a law it opposes."

So if Obama drags his feet on the subject, then his horrible law may be gone for good!!

I can't wait to see what happens.


Equality in France

In France, women are urged to stay at work and have many children, and there are great incentives for this. Free childcare, 4 month paid maternity leave, free post-birth therapy sessions, tax breaks on as many children you have, and others like this. Yet, women in France are still tasked with the domestic work and caring for their children. Women on average spend twice as much time daily doing "domestic work" than their husbands. They make 26% less on average than male counterparts and women weren't allowed to vote until 1945. They may have many advantages, but women in France are by no means equal.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Post NOW Conference

Hey everyone!

I wanted to say that the 2010 Illinois NOW Conference went spectacularly today! I can't wait to put up pictures so everyone can see! I'm so proud of my fellow NOW members that spoke and so very grateful for the support, help, and motivation from our other NOW members.

I'd also want to let everyone know that we may be doing re-orders for our Henry the Homemaker shirts. If you want a shirt, email If you want more information on Henry, check out his facebook page!

Thanks again everyone! I can't wait to see where this takes us during the rest of the year!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Young Feminists on the Internet

How We're Using It, How It's Influencing Us, Internet Etiquette (or Lessons Learned the Hard Way) and What We Believe the Internet Can Do for Feminism


  • Great space for reactions to news.
  • Lots of potential to inform, persuade, and incite.
  • Comment sections can be incredible!
  • Downside: It can be hard to draw readers to your blog.


  • Lots of untapped potential.
  • Making connections, publicizing events, sharing articles, videos, petitions through the newsfeed which is largely unfiltered.


  • Like facebook, you can share things instantly.
  • Lots of potential for activism: you can get the attention of hundreds in hours.
  • Also a way to potentially promote blogs/share interesting or important blog posts.


  • Comparable to Twitter and to Facebook.
  • Can share quotes from articles, which link back to the original article.
  • Great for roping people into articles they might otherwise pass up.
  • Potential to be the favorite option of young feminists.
  • Also a way to get people back to your blog.

Why the Internet is Great for Feminism:

  • Consciousness-raising is taking place online.
  • Alienated girls can become connected.
  • The option to pick and choose our media diet.

Why it Sometimes Sucks:

  • Comment-sections can also be brutal.
  • Older feminists are not always welcoming.
  • Sometimes, we really do make asses of ourselves (opportunity for a learning experience!!)

Other Concerns:

  • Does being able to hash things out online lead to complacence? A lack of real-life activism?
  • Can creating your own universe of feminist-friendly media make you lose track of the way things REALLY ARE and what needs to change??

Cool Links:

Monday, October 4, 2010

Right-Wing Feminism? Um...what?

Is anyone else as horrified about Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell's "feminism?" Are they taking advantage of discrepancies between the ideals of (real) feminists? We need to redefine, clarify, broaden what feminism truly means! This article, How We Can Fight the Right-Wing's Absurd Hijacking of Feminism, is a very good read on this topic. It definitely gets you thinking about how absolutely necessary it is for feminists to show what we're really about!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's that time of year again...

40 Days of Life is back in Champaign peacefully keeping 24hr vigil on the Planned Parenthood in the community. Here is a link to the 40 days for life web page for Champagin. They spend the 40 days, today September 23rd through November 1st, protesting the work of our Planned Parenthood in this comunity. Here is their statement of peace that every member must sign before participating in this event.

  1. I will only pursue peaceful solutions to the violence of abortion when volunteering with the 40 Days for Life campaign
  2. I will show compassion and reflect Christ’s love to all Planned Parenthood employees, volunteers, and customers
  3. I understand that acting in a violent or harmful manner immediately and completely disassociates me from the 40 Days for Life campaign
  4. I am in no way associated with Planned Parenthood or its affiliates by way of employment, informant, volunteer, client, or otherwise
While standing in the city right of way in front of or near Planned Parenthood:
  1. I will not obstruct the driveways or sidewalk while standing in the public right of way
  2. I will not litter on the public right of way
  3. I will closely attend to any children I bring to the prayer vigil
  4. I will not threaten, physically contact, or verbally abuse Planned Parenthood employees, volunteers, or customers
  5. I will not vandalize private property
  6. I will cooperate with local city authorities

I'm happy that they're peaceful. That's all fine and dandy, but what about twisting the facts? There is a 40 minute video on the homepage of the link I posted on here, and it makes me upset. I've listened to it all and heard how things are changed ever so slightly.

They call Planned Parenthood an abortion chain. They don't talk about the maternity care, the family planning, the sexual health care that is provided by Planned Parenthood to women who sometimes can't afford it at sliding scale prices. 40 days state that 1.2 million abortions happen each year, and that in 2007, 289,750 happened in Planned Parenthood's across the country. 24% of the abortions happened at Planned Parenthood. I understand that this is a large number, but it's not close to the majority. Are you protesting at the wrong place? Maybe the statics of 1.2 million abortions a year is a bit off? They say that 50 million abortions have happened since Roe v. Wade was passed. Could we have supported 50 million more people in this country?

In this video, pregnant women are equated to women with young children that have fallen off of a boat and into a turbulent ocean, that are struggling to survive. Young women are faced with this horrible tragedy, they get pregnant, and that her family will immediately tell her that she must get an abortion and that her boyfriend has abandoned her, leaving her alone with this burden, and that it's 40 days of life that must reach out to her and save her.

Perhaps it's having the child during a time when she is unable to support it that the women needs to be saved from. Maybe it is losing her job because she's pregnant, because she can't do physical labor under her condition. Maybe she was raped, and she will forever remember her horrid experience. Maybe she just can't do it. Maybe she has to be saved from pregnancy... Maybe it's her choice.

I know of an unmarried woman who got pregnant, many years ago, and the father wanted nothing to do with the child. She didn't have a steady job, she didn't have any savings, she wasn't prepared to for a child. But she made a choice. She decided to keep the baby and, with her families support, she gave birth to a baby girl.

This is my mom's story, and the baby was me. I wanted to tell this story because I wanted to say that she had a choice. She had a supportive family that cared for her and supported her decisions. She had friends that helped and cared about her. She made the choice that was hers to make. It's not the scenario that 40 days portrays in their video.

Planned Parenthood is there to help women make the right choices that are the ones for them. They are not there to promote abortions, they are their to promote choices. There are procedures put into place so that the mother has time to think about what she wants to do before she makes a decision on abortion. It's not black and white. Planned Parenthood isn't the evil thing they describe on the video.

I'm not against people who are pro-life. That is their choice and I respect the choices they make for themselves. But remember that it is a choice that everyone has to make for themselves, and we must be respectful of the choices others make. There is not a right and a wrong choice, only that there are choices.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't Ask Don't Tell

"Don't ask, don't tell" has recently become a huge topic recently. DADT was recently deemed unconstitutional by federal judges on September 9th. On the 17th of September, Lady Gaga sent a youtube message to urge people to call the senators and ask them to vote against DADT. Lady Gaga had a rally against DADT this past Monday 9/20 and gave a speech against DADT. Here are the youtube videos, part one and part two, and here is a full transcript of her speech. McCain and other Republican Senators are against the repeal of DADT, and are hoping to postpone the subject until a Military Study is released, due December 1st, that will judge how the repeal of this will effect moral of the troops.

I'm sorry for all the links, but I hope you enjoy them.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Just look at the polls"

Here's a graph showing a history of polls taken about same sex marriage. It shows what percentage of people were for and against same sex marriage in specific years starting in 1988. It brings the "warm fuzzies" to my heart to see that more people are becoming in favor of same sex marriage to the point that one poll has shown that majority of people are in favor.

This graph came from this website which has more information on the details.



Ella has been approved by the FDA

Ella, the new pill that prevents conception up to 5 days after unprotected sex, is now going to be available in the U.S. Unfortunately, unlike Plan B, it is only available by prescription. It was approved this past Friday evening, the 13th. I guess the 13th isn't as unlucky as one would think.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Ella, The New Morning After Can Be A Few Days After

Though we are taking a summer break, things still happen in the world *Gasp!* Here is an article about the new alternative to Plan B, called Ella. Exciting stuff!

Friday, May 14, 2010

What Happens During an Abortion

I found this article from Abortion Gang, and I think it's something every woman (and every man) should read. We've all seen the images pro-lifers hand out of tiny, adorable babies being stabbed in the head with scissors or something like that. This article lays out what ACTUALLY happens during an abortion (in plain English).

This was not a particularly easy read for me (I don't mean because there were big words). The author thinks none of this sounds scary, but to me it all sounded pretty scary (but then, so does pregnancy). I think that, even if you never get an abortion yourself, you should read this so you can support the women in your life who may.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Male Birth Control!

No, it's not here yet, but here is an article from RH Reality Check. Read it and dream with me...


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Laura Bush is Pro-Choice/Supports Equal Marriage???

I'm baffled! Why did we never hear about this?! Maybe I don't want to know why...

An Article on Kagan

If you're following the news about President Obama's Supreme Court nomination (Elana Kagan), you have probably found out that there isn't a lot to find out about her. It seems that no one either celebrated or dreaded her nomination. Of course there's the usual gossip, she's a woman who was nominated by a black president, so she's sure to destroy this country. Other than that, all anyone seems to know is: she's a woman (automatic 10 points), she is evidently gifted at bringing liberals and conservatives closer together on issues (is this even possible?), and she was never a judge but still seems about as qualified for this position as a person could be. As for the burning question on my mind, her stance on abortion, there seems to be little to no information about her. I can't decide if I'm worried or not. Read more here in an article from Choice USA.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Same-Sex Marriage...And Same-Sex Divorce

Only a few states and the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage. So what happens when a same-sex couple moves to a state that doesn't recognize their marriage? There may be complications if they decide to get divorced. I'm sure this isn't something any couple wants to be thinking about when they get married, but homosexual partners may find themselves trapped if they are not given the same rights to end marriages as heterosexual couples. Here's a CNN article that talks about this hurdle that I hadn't even thought about yet.


Small Victory for Pro-Choicers in Georgia

Finally, some good news to keep our heads up despite all the depressing ultra-conservative abortion legislation. The abortion restriction bill in Georgia died in their House of Representatives. Read about it here! There is hope that if a bill is THIS ridiculous, then someone will call it out! Just a small sigh of relief, though.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Courts are overturning rape convictions if the woman is wearing skinny jeans

Are skinny jeans so hard to get out of that shear force couldn't take them off? Can you equate them to a chastity belt? Some courts systems are. In Australia and Korea, there are cases where the men were acquitted because the women were wearing skinny jeans. Here's the article


Friday, April 30, 2010

Oklahoma allows lying doctors...

So now doctors in Oklahoma are protected against law suits for lying about a fetus' health in order to prevent the possibility of the woman terminating the fetus because of its health!

I know I probably shouldn't put opinions on here but this is sickening and wrong, the one person you're suppose to depend on for your health and your baby's health is allowed to lie to you and all they have to say is I thought they might choose to have an abortion. It keeps the woman/family from planning for the future. What if continuing the pregnancy would kill the mother? The doctor doesn't have a right to decide who's life is more important. Where do we draw the line of allowing lying now? I'm disgusted.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tantric Sex Is Definitely Feminist

We've been throwing a lot of depressing stories from the news out into the blog, so here's a kinky article instead. Read up on tantric sex and find all the feminist ideals in this 6000 year old practice! Courtesy of Doin' It Well.


Mississippi School Fails To Acknowledge A Student Because She's Lesbian

A school in Mississippi left a student out of the year book because she's a lesbian. Evidently, she is not a student, she is not a person, she is not anything to them simply because of her personal sexual preference. Click here to go to a short article about it.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nebraska bans abortions after 20 weeks

Nebraska is the first state to limit the time a women can receive an abortion based on a theory of when a fetus can feel pain. The law would ban any abortions at or after 20 weeks, except for extreme cases. The original law set the restriction on the ability for the fetus to live outside the womb, which was on average determined to be about 22 weeks. Read more here!

"If some of these other anti-abortion bills have been chipping away at Roe v. Wade, this takes an ax to it"


Arizona Officially Limits Access to Abortions

The Arizona governor "has just signed another regressive bill that could severely restrict women’s access to abortion coverage."Read more here!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Try These on for Size: Different Perspective on Rape Prevention Tips

Rape Prevention Tips

  • If you see someone walking alone at night, leave her alone
  • Don't drug people's drinks.
  • If a woman is dressed beautifully/provocatively, try talking to her politely. Do not rape her. If you think you might rape her, hand her a phone and tell her to dial 9-1-1.
  • Always carry a rape whistle. Hand it to a person you think you might rape, and let her use it to call for help.
  • Always travel with a buddy at night. If you think you might rape someone, warn your buddy and ask them to stop you.
  • Remember, if someone is alone in a vulnerable place (e.g. an elevator, a laundry room, etc.), do NOT molest her.
  • If you stop to help someone with car trouble, remind yourself not to rape her.
  • Know other-defense. If you think you might rape someone, punch yourself in the nose or groin.

Don't Blame the Victim

We've all seen the "rape prevention" tips they give to young women. However, these tips limit the behaviors and freedoms of the victims, without addressing the attacker's behavior. Imagine a world where would-be attackers followed the tips above; rape might actually be prevented. In such a world, would-be victims would not believe that (or be treated like) they were attacked because they were walking alone, or they didn't have mace, or were dressed to provocatively, or because they trusted a friend that they shouldn't have. Everyone should have the freedoms to dress how they want, walk where they want, trust friends and lovers, and not be constantly afraid. It is not their fault.

*These are not real rape prevention tips. Most perpetrators of rape are someone the victim trusted, usually a romantic partner, ex-romantic partner, or close friend, not strangers. The "rape prevention" tips we're all used to are designed to prevent rape committed by strangers, which only makes up 2% of rape cases.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Presidential Proclamation -- National Equal Pay Day

Way to be, Mr. President! Barack Obama calls upon Americans to recognize the pay gap between men and women on April 20th, National Equal Pay Day. Here is his official proclamation!

10-Year-Old's Pregnanacy Fuels Mexican Abortion Debate

CNN posted this story, 10-Year-Old's Pregnanacy Fuels Mexican Abortion Debate. Though it is definitely a sad and controversial story, it gives a snapshot of how abortion is being viewed in Mexico as well as their laws pertaining to abortion.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Acid attacks on Pakistani wives

BBC news did a story about acid attacks on women in Pakistan. They say, "The attacks are usually carried out by husbands against wives who are judged to have behaved 'dishonourably'".


Monday, April 12, 2010

Does Feminism Hurt Men and Boys?

Here's something to think about: is feminism hurting men and boys? This is a quick article from the New York Times that can get you thinking on this topic. Click here.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Porchlight Counseling Services

Hey Ladies,

Porchlight Counseling Services is a center in Chicago that helps college sexual assault survivors through counseling, advocacy, and other services. Pepsi is willing to provide them a grant if they can rank in the top 10 of their Pepsi Refresh Project voting. So, vote for them by clicking here! It doesn't cost you anything, and you can vote daily until voting ends on April 30th. Thanks!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Feminist LOLz

Would you like some feminist lolz? Click here.

Monday, April 5, 2010

BBC Documentary on the Westboro Baptist Church

This is the documentary about the Westboro Baptist Church. They are the radical Christian group that protest at military funerals. This is their website:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Health Care Reform and Absitinence Only Education

Here is a link to a CNN article about part of the health care reform bill that I did not see coming. Evidently, along with insurance reform, the bill also renews the $50 million a year program for abstinence-only education in schools.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We Can Do It Too

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to show you a picture that we are thinking of using for this school years NOW T-Shirt. The picture is not finished, but you can see the basic idea. It is based off of the WWII "We Can Do It" poster promoting women working to help the war effort.

This picture is similar to that, but the title will be "We Can Do It Too."
We're thinking that the shirt should be either yellow or dark blue, with possibly a colored version of this picture. There will be a NOW symbol somewhere and the school year. :)

I think this is going to be a very awesome shirt. :)


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Feminist Film: Mona Lisa Smile

I was sitting in a film class one day and the subject of "Feminist films" was brought up as a discussion topic. A boy in class said that all feminist films were bra burning, man bashing, female promoting, lesbian films. As a younger feminist at the time, I can honestly say I was mad. Feminism films are about empowerment, equality, and confidence in yourself. I personally gave the suggestion of "G I Jane." I was told it was just an action movie and that I didn't know what I was talking about.

There are many films that I believe are feminist and that should be seen, and I want to share them with you.

Today's movie is Mona Lisa Smile (2003)

Mona Lisa Smile tells the story of Katherine Ann Watson (played by Julia Roberts), a teacher who studied at UCLA graduate school who leaves her boyfriend behind in Los Angeles, to teach at Wellesley College, a conservative women's private liberal arts college in Massachusetts, United States in 1953.

Watson encourages her students to study to become career professionals. She wants her students to lead the world and not just to live as the wife of somebody. She uses modern art to suggest that they need not conform to female stereotype, even introducing the students to the work of Jackson Pollock. She feels that women can do more than solely adopt the roles of wives and mothers.

Watson's work is contrary to methods deemed acceptable by the school's directors, conservative women who believe firmly that Watson should not use her class to express her points of views or befriend students, and should stick only to teaching art. Watson is warned that she could lose her job.

Undaunted, Watson becomes more forceful in her speeches about feminism. She believes she needs to instill a spirit of change among her students.

We've changed in many ways. There are some that still believe that women go to school to find their husbands, but that's not necessarily the majority view anymore. We've come far. We've made lots of progress. There is more progress to be made, but progress needs to be made slowly.

We'll make it one day, and it'll be our generation, the women and men in college now and that will be in college soon, that will make the difference. We will influence the next generation, like our teachers and mentors influence us.

I hope to see this one day.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's a Vagina

The beaver's got it right! It's called a vagina and has nothing to do with the furry little creature. I wanted to share this cute comic I found as a way to say it's okay to say vagina. It's not a dirty word and it doesn't need to be called something more socially appropriate. Call it what it is and don't be afraid to do so. Vagina!!


p.s. Here's the link to this comic. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Utah Bill Equates Miscarriage with Murder

A bill has passed Utah's house and senate that would hold a woman criminally responsible for having a miscarriage. If she didn't wear a seat belt in the car, drank alcohol, or fell down the stairs, a woman can be charged with murder. Seriously, Utah???

Read this article!!
