Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Washington says pharmacists can refuse legal drugs based on moral beliefs.

The Washington State Board of Pharmacy has passed a vote that will reverse a vote that was passed in 2007. If the previous law is reversed, pharmacists will be able to decide based on moral beliefs whether or not to dispense legal drugs.

This all started with a small town pharmacists that refused to supply Emergency Contraceptive based on moral beliefs.

"They want to be able to have an entire pharmacy say no to women in need of emergency contraception. It doesn't stop there, of course. If they get their way, what would stop a pharmacist from deciding to opt out of providing a gay person with access to HIV medication, if they so chose? Or a diabetic person access to life-saving treatment?" RHRealityCheck.org

"What if a pharmacist believes “marriage is one man, one woman, and I have some gay men that come in,” asked Harris, a Redmond druggist. “(What if) I were to say ‘Gee, it’s against my religious background. You’ve brought this on yourself.’ ” The News Tribune



Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this news. I've been out of the loop for a few weeks and didn't hear about this.
The potential repercussions for this are endless. Where will the line be drawn? Will a pharmacist be able to refuse to dispense Viagra? How about vaccinations, particularly to children, that a number of people believe to be more potentially dangerous than effective medicine?
Or will it be used solely against women and gays, proving the complete b.s. of their line of reasoning in the "choice" or "rights" of pharmacists, or anyone else? How can we stop the, sadly, effectiveness of these misogynists and homophobics in reducing our rights state by state? Soon there will be none we have left.

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