Friday, May 14, 2010

What Happens During an Abortion

I found this article from Abortion Gang, and I think it's something every woman (and every man) should read. We've all seen the images pro-lifers hand out of tiny, adorable babies being stabbed in the head with scissors or something like that. This article lays out what ACTUALLY happens during an abortion (in plain English).

This was not a particularly easy read for me (I don't mean because there were big words). The author thinks none of this sounds scary, but to me it all sounded pretty scary (but then, so does pregnancy). I think that, even if you never get an abortion yourself, you should read this so you can support the women in your life who may.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Male Birth Control!

No, it's not here yet, but here is an article from RH Reality Check. Read it and dream with me...


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Laura Bush is Pro-Choice/Supports Equal Marriage???

I'm baffled! Why did we never hear about this?! Maybe I don't want to know why...

An Article on Kagan

If you're following the news about President Obama's Supreme Court nomination (Elana Kagan), you have probably found out that there isn't a lot to find out about her. It seems that no one either celebrated or dreaded her nomination. Of course there's the usual gossip, she's a woman who was nominated by a black president, so she's sure to destroy this country. Other than that, all anyone seems to know is: she's a woman (automatic 10 points), she is evidently gifted at bringing liberals and conservatives closer together on issues (is this even possible?), and she was never a judge but still seems about as qualified for this position as a person could be. As for the burning question on my mind, her stance on abortion, there seems to be little to no information about her. I can't decide if I'm worried or not. Read more here in an article from Choice USA.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Same-Sex Marriage...And Same-Sex Divorce

Only a few states and the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage. So what happens when a same-sex couple moves to a state that doesn't recognize their marriage? There may be complications if they decide to get divorced. I'm sure this isn't something any couple wants to be thinking about when they get married, but homosexual partners may find themselves trapped if they are not given the same rights to end marriages as heterosexual couples. Here's a CNN article that talks about this hurdle that I hadn't even thought about yet.


Small Victory for Pro-Choicers in Georgia

Finally, some good news to keep our heads up despite all the depressing ultra-conservative abortion legislation. The abortion restriction bill in Georgia died in their House of Representatives. Read about it here! There is hope that if a bill is THIS ridiculous, then someone will call it out! Just a small sigh of relief, though.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Courts are overturning rape convictions if the woman is wearing skinny jeans

Are skinny jeans so hard to get out of that shear force couldn't take them off? Can you equate them to a chastity belt? Some courts systems are. In Australia and Korea, there are cases where the men were acquitted because the women were wearing skinny jeans. Here's the article
